DEX is short for Data Exchange. DEXES offers solutions for a safe and fair data exchange between public and private organisations and individuals. For AI developers, for governments and for private and public partnerships that want a safe, fair and transparant way to share data .
A trusted data exchange Find & match, make a deal and share data
Dexes offers a trusted third party data platform to
facilitate data sharing and protect data ownership
A timely and secure exchange of your valuable data,
based on data catalogues, data deals and
decentralized data pods is our main business
Dexes is a privately owned company
based in the Netherlands. We support
the Amsterdam Data Exchange (Amdex)
About Dexes
Data Exchange Solutions
Data Catalogue
A searchable register of available data in your organization.
Data Matchmaker
Match the conditions for sharing data with attributes of potential users
Datadeal Register
A legal safe box with irrefutable agreements between data owners and data users.
Data Communities
Central place for domain or region specific data, experts and experience
Data DexPod
Data storage, share & access based on decentralized Solid technology.
Data Gateways
Exchange with other catalogues and marketplaces based on IDS, DCAT and API's.
Our partners and customers
Who we work with
At the moment Dexes is developing the platform for the Amsterdam Data Exchange. Together with the Amsterdam Economic Board, the community of Amsterdam and lots of partners a open and fair data exchange for 33 communities, 2 provinces and 2 airports becomes available. Read more in this interview (Dutch).
Use Cases
for trusted data exchange
Dexes creates the ecosystem to share data that was not shared before. Data that is privacy or commercial sensitive can be shared safely.
Some data is not shared in time or not shared at all between private and public partners. Economic and social value is lost. On the right we show a few examples of use cases that profit from a data exchange.
Harbour security
Data about the contents of ships in the harbor could help the firefighters to handle a crisis more efficiently.
Energy distribution
Data about availability and demand for energy helps to reduce pressure on infrastructure.
Circulair building
Data about the circulair value of materials in building helps to improve circularity.
Safe Health data
Privacy sensitive data can be shared by bringing the algorithms to the data for analysis.
Concepts for a
Trusted Data Exchange
Find, match, make a deal and share data
The process of sharing data on the Dexes platform is simple, efficient and transparant. Find a dataset you want, match your attributes with the conditions that the owner set and make a datadeal. Then access the data.
Irrefutable datadeals
The Datadeal stores the validation of conditions for sharing data against the attributes of the data user. The datadeal is irrefutable and can be referenced by the data owner and data user. The owner knows who is using the data. The user has a record of the agreed terms for using the data.
Governance & communities
Sharing data can work when conditions for sharing are transparant. A community of domain owners can facilitate the data sharing process. An independent foundation governs the general rules of operation and handles exceptions.
Distributed data storage & access
The Data Exchange contains no data itself. The data-owners stay in control of the conditions and the access to their data. Dexes offers the Dexpod based on Solid technology as a store-and-access solution for local use by data-owners. This can be a corporate, a government or an individual.
take action
What can you do
with a trusted data exchange?
- Be transparant on your conditions to share data with others
- Keep track of your data with datadeals register
- Use DexPods to control access to your data
- Bring Apps to your data instead of data to Apps. Data will never leave your organisation.
- Valorize your data by sharing with more partners than before
- Find all available data in a city, region or country that is available to re-use.
- One stop shop for authorization to access data. No API spaghetti anymore.
- Fully decentralized architecture. Access a data source directly when autorized.
- Let the Data matchmaker help you find datasets that match your needs and attributes
- Have an overview of all data used and the agreed on conditions in the datadeal register
- Offer your data services on the marketplace and earn money
- See all data shared and used in one overview
- See who is using your data, communicate and get feedback to improve quality
- See who is using your data and with what purpose and application
- Keep track of GDPR related conditions for data use
- You own collection of irrefutable datadeals and prove of validation